Month: November 2022

  • Don’t Judge People


    I am all about leading people to Jesus. Now more than ever, we need to see the kingdom of God advance like never before. There are still a lot of people on the Earth that have not asked Jesus into their hearts compared to those who have. We need to be bringing in the harvest.


    Some Christians, however, think that they have an idea of how someone who loves God should carry themselves. They think they know how they should live, act, and behave. Unfortunately, if a person doesn’t fit inside their idea of what living for God looks like, they’re usually not welcomed into their church.


    A girl reads the bible during sunset.

    Christians Can Be Judgmental

    Ask most Christians, and they will say that they’re all about saving the lost. They talked like they wanted to see unbelievers in the church. However, when someone shows up that doesn’t exactly fit their idea of what a churchgoer should look like, they get judged.


    Now, this person will usually greet the person they don’t agree with an unsuspecting hello. But the moment that person leaves their presents, they are gossiping about them to someone else.


    The bottom line is that acting like that is being very judgemental. I personally believe that judging others is one of the most heartbreaking things a Christian can do. The truth is, it’s not so much the Sinners that are judging, but the Christians that are doing it.


    We are not called to judge because we cannot see someone else’s heart. God is the judge of all. Our job is to look for the good that is in every person. It’s usually best to give a person the benefit of the doubt rather than assuming the worst. Although challenging, it is the way to go.


    People Left The Church

    Many people have actually left the church because they were judged. Many have experienced not being welcomed because they were from the world. Maybe they didn’t look the part or sound the part. Perhaps they weren’t wearing the clothes that some Christian thought they should.


    Instead of judging them, we should be willing to love them just as Jesus loved us.


    Christ didn’t judge sinners. He wrapped his arms around them. He loves them and shows them. It was his goodness that in fact, brought many into the kingdom who gave their lives to God.


    A group of Christians hold up crosses.

    The Life Of a Christian Is Hard

    We don’t have to look very far to remember someone who chose salvation but had a difficult time walking it out. It usually begins with us not seeing them at church or coming to bible study. They start spending time with the wrong people and, eventually, disappear.

    When we see them again, we should welcome them and encourage them to come back around. We should remind them that God loves them and be kind to them.


    The truth is people who have fallen away from the church because they were judged don’t want to come back because they don’t want to experience it again. The Christians who act like they are Holier are waiting at the doors for them, and they don’t want to see them.


    Forget The Past

    The Bible is clear that we are to forget the past and press forward to the future. Even God himself forgets our sins when we have sought him for forgiveness.


    God doesn’t love when a person falls into sin. However, he loves the person. He sees beyond where they may be falling short and missing the mark.


    Even Jesus caught a woman in the middle of adultery and showed her love. His kindness let her allow God into her life. Her story became a great testimony.


    The Devil Is a Liar

    The devil is a liar, and one of his lies is that when you make a mistake, God is mad at you. If you trip, God stops loving you. I truly believe that many Christians think this is the truth. You can hear it in how they talk and their attitude when they come across someone who has made a mistake.

    God loves everybody. He sent his son to die for all of mankind, and we need to remind people of that. Judging them does not help them. Loving them makes all the difference.


    We don’t have to go very far and will come in contact with many who are praying for the end-time Harvest. What we have to remember is that these new Christians will likely not fit into the mold we think they should. Now is the time to make the decision to refuse to judge them.


    We don’t want to get to heaven only to realize that a number of people never came back to God because of something we did or said through being judgmental. Our job is to tell the good news, and that is that God loves people no matter what they have done.

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